An asset is any information created, held or published by SPT as part of its public task and is available for re-use. SPT’s asset list is made up of those documents which are available in its Publication Scheme (excluding logos, insignia and those in which SPT does not own the intellectual property rights (“IPR”)).
SPT encourages the non-commercial use and re-use of the information in which it holds the IPR, subject to acceptance of the Non-Commercial Government Licence.
The Non-Commercial Government Licence is a simple set of terms and conditions that facilitate the re-use of SPT information free of charge. For details on the types of use and re-use permitted and/or prohibited under the Non-Commercial Government Licence, please visit The National Archives website.
In the event that SPT does not hold the IPR in the information that you are seeking to re-use, you will be required to obtain permission from the IPR holder. If that is the case, we will tell you who to contact.
If you wish to re-use information that is not contained in SPT’s Publication Scheme or in a way that is not compatible with the terms of the Non-Commercial Government Licence, you are required to submit a formal request for re-use. The request must:
- be in writing or in some other permanent recordable form such as an e-mail;
- State your address for correspondence; and
- Specify the information that you wish to re-use and the purpose you intend to use it for.
SPT will deal with your request promptly, although it may take up to 20 working days to respond. In its response, SPT will detail any conditions for re-use and if you will be charged a fee to re-use the information.
You can contact us for assistance on any aspect of SPT’s Public Task, Re-Use of Public Sector Information Policy or if you have a complaint about how your request for re-use has been handled or to seek a review of the decision made in relation to your request, by post to:
Legal & Property
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
131 St Vincent Street
G2 5JF
or by E-mail to:
SPT's Public Task
Our Public Task Statement, sets out SPT's core roles and functions.