The Partnership’s Freedom of Information policy affirms SPT’s commitment to the principles underlying FOISA and the EIRs and undertakes that SPT will conduct its business in accordance with the Codes of Practice published by the Scottish Ministers under FOISA. The policy applies to all employees and members of the Partnership and provides that the Partnership Secretary is responsible for ensuring compliance.
FOISA requires Scottish public authorities to produce and maintain a publication scheme. Authorities are under a legal obligation to:
- Publish the classes of information that they make routinely available
- Tell the public how to access the information and what it might cost
SPT has adopted the Model Publication Scheme 2017 produced by the Scottish Information Commissioner.
An authority adopting this model scheme must produce a guide to the information it publishes through the scheme. Access SPT’s Guide to Information here.
As indicated, SPT’s Publication Scheme lists the information that is or will be routinely made available. However, members of the public have further rights that enable them to access information from Scottish Public Authorities under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“FOISA”).
On 3 April, 2006, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (“SPT”) was designated as a Scottish Public Authority. Therefore, members of the public have the right to access information held by SPT or held on behalf of SPT subject to certain exceptions and conditions.
The process for obtaining information under FOISA (Freedom of Information request) is different than obtaining information under the publication scheme.
Before submitting a Freedom of Information request you should check our website as SPT places a large amount of information on the website.
However, if you wish to submit a Freedom of Information request, the request must be in writing or in some other permanent recordable form such as an e-mail. When submitting a request, please provide your full name in the body of any correspondence (i.e. your e-mail address will not be sufficient to provide your full name). The request should:
- Describe the information requested;
- State an address for correspondence;
- Preferably provide a contact number (in case we need to contact you to clarify the information requested);
- State the format in which you would wish to receive the information.
SPT wishes to assist applicants and therefore we may contact you to clarify the exact nature of the information requested or to discuss the format of the information with you.
Our staff who are responsible for this scheme would be happy to assist you if you wish to contact them with any requests.
For information on the cost of providing information not included in SPT’s Publication Scheme, please refer to SPT’s Charging for Information Policy
The request should be submitted by post to:
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
Legal and Property
131 St Vincent Street
Glasgow G2 5JF
or by e-mail to [email protected]
If the information you want is about the environment, SPT will respond under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (“EIRs”). A request for information under the EIRs can be submitted to the above postal or e-mail address, or by telephone to 0141 333 3787.
For information on how to access your own personal information, please see our Data Protection page
Document downloads
Re-use of public sector information policy
September 2021