Subway Sunday closures - 30 July & 20 August
Glasgow’s Subway is set to close for two Sundays over July and August to allow the start of ‘fault-free’ train testing in the system, ahead of their introduction to passenger service.
The Subway will not open for passenger service on Sunday 30 July, or on Sunday 20 August.
This is to give the first of our new trains the chance to complete the necessary 2000 miles of fault-free running in the system before manufacturer Stadler officially hands them over to SPT ahead of their introduction to passenger service later this year.
SPT Head of Engineering Mark Toner said:
“This is the last stage in the critical train testing programme before the new trains can be introduced into passenger service. While the trains have been thoroughly tested both off-site at our dedicated train track and in the system at night, they now have to complete 2000 miles in the system – that’s about 308 times round the Subway – fault-free.
“I know Subway users have been very keen to see the new trains in service – as have we – so this is a very exciting time for everyone involved.”
Fault-free run testing is standard practice for the introduction of any new trains. If for any reason a train does develop a fault during the fault-free running, it is removed from the system while the fault is fixed and the clock resets on the 2000 miles so the process does take some time.
While these planned Sunday closures in July and August are to facilitate the fault-free run testing of the new trains, it is expected further Sunday closures will be necessary to continue the install of new communications and signalling for the new trains. These dates will be scheduled later in the year.
Passengers will be kept updated nearer the time via all our usual channels. Please follow @GlaSubwayTravel on twitter for the most up to date travel information.