Help to shape the future of walking, wheeling and cycling in the west of Scotland.
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) has launched a public and stakeholder consultation to help shape the future of active travel in the west of Scotland.
Working in partnership with Transport Scotland and Sustrans, Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme, SPT hopes the consultation will play a key role in the development of its Regional Active Travel Strategy.
SPT Chair Councillor Stephen Dornan said:
“By better understanding people’s views on active travel and knowing more about the barriers and obstacles they face while doing so, we can start to look at solutions which will help more people choose to complete more of their journeys by active modes.
“I encourage everyone to participate in the consultation, by completing the survey and attending our online webinar, to help shape the future of how our communities see active travel can include and benefit everyone.”
A public and stakeholder consultation has now launched to seek views on existing problems and barriers relating to walking, wheeling, and cycling, along with the potential opportunities that could be realised in the future.
The consultation is formed of a digital and printable survey, supported by an online Story Map and online workshop. More details can be found on the SPT website, search SPT Active Travel Strategy. The survey is open for responses until Sunday 12 November.
SPT has appointed consultants Sweco to lead development of its Regional Active Travel Strategy (ATS) and Network and Infrastructure Delivery Plan (DP).
The ATS and DP will play a key role in delivering SPT’s recently published Regional Transport Strategy (A Call to Action, 2023-2038), particularly with respect to enhancing social inclusion, lowering transport emissions, and promoting health and wellbeing.
You can access the survey here.