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Public survey launched for new Regional Transport Strategy

Written by SPT 07/02/2019

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) has launched an online public survey to find out more about the transport-related issues and challenges experienced by people who live, work and travel in the SPT area.  We want to hear from as many people as possible about every day travel experiences and your views on how transport could be improved.

The public survey is part of our work to develop a new Regional Transport Strategy for the west of Scotland, which will set out a strategy for improving transport and travel in the SPT area over the next 15 – 20 years.  The findings will inform the identification of problems, issues and opportunities, which will be reported on and made available for consultation later this year.

SPT Chair Councillor Dr Martin Bartos said:

“As SPT develops a new Regional Transport Strategy, alongside the substantial technical work being done, we want to hear directly from people who travel across Strathclyde.

“We want to better understand the issues and challenges the travelling public experience during their day-to-day journeys. I know people have strong views about transport and the online survey launched today is a great opportunity to get your views heard to influence the West of Scotland’s future transport plan.”

The survey is available at:

It is also available via SPT’s various social media channels.

For further information on the process to prepare the new regional transport strategy, please visit: