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Subway Bus
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Partick Interchange regeneration commendation

Written by SPT 29/08/2019

SPT’s project to redevelop Partick Interchange collected a commendation in the regeneration category at the Scottish Design Awards recently.

The Awards celebrate the very best of design and architecture in all its forms across Scotland.

Partick Interchange integrates bus, rail and subway with national cycle and local footpath networks creating improved seamless multi modal connectivity and access for all.

The redevelopment of this vital Interchange was created by design professionals Austin-Smith:Lord at a cost of £2.5million.  This included a refurbishment of the bus station increasing the number of stances, alongside improved waiting areas for passengers in bespoke high quality shelters with integrated lighting, CCTV, seating and Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI). There is also improved provision for wheelchairs, alongside high kerbs for level entry to the buses, making the station more accessible to the whole community.

Used by approximately 2.8 million rail passengers and just under one million Subway passengers per year, the bus station patronage has also experienced significant increase in recent years with up to 42 westbound bus services per hour using Partick at peak times.

The new design allows a much better flow of traffic through the Interchange, segregating bus operations away from other vehicles, and separating pedestrians away from the bus manouvering area.