Launch of Bus Reform Consultation
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport’s (SPT) consultation on our recommended options to deliver the future bus network is now open.
SPT is recommending it takes forward two principal bus reform options from the outcome of the Strathclyde Regional Bus Strategy, specifically local services franchising and Bus Service Improvement Partnerships (BSIP) as set out the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. A further recommendation is consideration of small municipal bus company(ies) aimed at providing socially necessary services in parts of the region where private operators are currently very limited.
SPT chair Councillor Stephen Dornan said:
“This is an opportunity for everyone to have their say on the future of the bus network across our region. We have heard from a lot of people already about the state if the network and what needs to be done to fix it. This is your chance to formalise your thoughts and help us take forward the best options to help halt the decline in bus services across the west of Scotland.
“I encourage everyone with an interest in the future of bus services in our area to participate in this important consultation.”
SPT is seeking to understand the extent that stakeholders and, importantly, the public agree or disagree with the recommended options and the reasons for these positions. This consultation feedback will inform the delivery framework within which SPT will develop the detailed bus strategy over the next year.
This consultation is not statutory and does not represent the commencement of statutory processes for local services franchising or BSIP.
Please go to for more information on the consultation report and how to respond via our online questionnaire.
Please contact [email protected] if you experience any problems with accessing or using the consultation materials or questionnaire.
The deadline for responding is midnight Monday 13 May 2024.