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SPT success at Scottish Transport Awards

Written by SPT 22/06/2016

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) came home with four awards from the Scottish Transport Awards held recently in Glasgow.

The awards, which celebrate the best of Scotland’s transport industry, were attended by 400 industry professionals to recognise excellence, innovation and progress across all areas of transport in Scotland.

Now in its 14th year, the prestigious awards were attended by Minister for Transport and the Islands Humza Yousaf.

Mr Yousaf said: “It’s a tremendous honour to address the Scottish Transport Awards and properly recognise the unsung heroes across the transport sector and in our communities.

“The people who, for example, work unsociable hours in challenging weather conditions all year round to keep our buses, trains, planes and road running.”

The first award collected by SPT was a joint entry with South Lanarkshire Council for Route Action Plans in the Most Effective Road Safety, Traffic Management and Enforcement Project category.

The Integrated Transport Project of the Year was awarded to Johnstone Railway Station Park and Ride in a joint entry by SPT, ScotRail and Transport Scotland.

The Excellence in Walking and Public Realm award was presented to SPT for the redevelopment of St Enoch Subway Station. One of our city centre flagship stations, the redevelopment of the station has transformed St Enoch Square with the new glass canopies at the north and south entrances giving the historic square a new focus.

SPT also collected the Contribution to Sustainable Transport for the work it has been doing with Glasgow Caledonian University through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership for the Ground Water and Heat Source System on the Subway.

SPT Chairman Jonathan Findlay said: “This was a fantastic night for SPT and we are delighted to have received four awards which recognise SPT’s commitment to improve public transport for all.  I’d like to say well done and thank you to all our brilliant and dedicated staff who work tirelessly to ensure that our passengers always come first.

“I’m very proud of them all.”